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Saturday, October 15, 2011

An Unexpected Day

Today was a surprise of sorts. I got to sleep-in just a bit and have a lazy morning with my hubby. That was fun.

Big Mike helped Kylee with her pinhole project for astronomy, Mike discovered that LeCrae was signing autographs at Mardel, and Brianna texted me to say that they "would be cleaning at their rent house, if I wanted to come and help."

Today, I had intended to finish the cleaning of my own home that I started yesterday. But, I decided that I would serve today and give my children an opportunity to serve, as well. I gave each of the kids three chores to complete: *wash, dry, and fold a load of clothes; *sweep & mop a room; and *clean a bathroom. I went to start the dishwasher, so that I could unload it when I got home. The dishwasher would not start. Bummer! I told the fam I'd wash the dishes, make my bed, and clean my room when I got home. I grabbed some cleaning supplies and got in the truck to head to Bahamas. (Not THE BAHAMAS, but Bahamas.) Yes, that was our old house. I went to help a friend clean the house that I moved out of a little over 5 years ago. It sure did bring back floods of memories. So many things are different about the house, and yet so many things are the same. The front door looks different, but it is the same door that I opened to find my mom standing there after a very difficult day, welcome my hubby home after a full day of work, and welcome our guests to sit a spell. The walls look different, but they are the same walls that stood when we moved in, brought our baby girl home for the first time, heard about 9/11, and celebrated birthdays. Our bird bath still sits in the backyard. The trees we planted are getting so big. The blinds that covered the windows in Kylee's room are still there. The ceiling fan that cooled my son on hot summer days is still there. The "denim" bathroom with fence-wood trim is still there. There is even a shelf in the garage that says "Mike -n- Kym." You knew that would be somewhere, didn't you? So many memories flooded my mind while I was there today. I told my friends that I so vividly remembered doing all of this stuff the week we moved in while I was pregnant with Kylee. I could have never done it without the help of Toni and her mom, Honey. (I sure do miss that sweet lady.) We moved in on my due date, and Kylee arrived 10 days later. Just thinking about that time brings thousands of other memories. But I will refrain from adding all of those to this blog.

I introduced Bradley and Brianna to the neighbors. I sure do miss those neighbors. I miss that front driveway that forces you to use your front door and actually see people that live beside and around you. I do long for that connectedness with neighbors. I miss it. Did I already say that? I really do.

At the end of the day...the kids did a wonderful job! Mike got to go to Mardel for autographs. Both kids made it to a birthday party for a mutual friend in the student ministry. Hubby got his things done. I, finally, got home, washed those dishes, made my bed, cleaned my room, did a load of laundry, and watched the Rangers win so they could head to the World Series!

God gives us unexpected days sometimes. I am thankful.



Mills' Menus said...

Thanks for sharing your day with us, it was a blessing!

Kylee said...

Yae mom I still have a lot of memories from that house! I can't believe that I was Kate's age when we moved. Sometimes it makes me sad just thinking about all those times and I wish I could just stop growing and getting older!

Kylee said...

That was the house I got saved in outside on the swing set we had was where I broke my second bone, my old room is where me Maegen and bub played soccer in my room {a time that Maegen was babysitting us}. So many memories from that house, wish I could go back and do over again.