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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Come On Rangers!

We are definitely rooting for the Rangers to go ahead and finish this today! I guess we'll know if they do in a few hours. The boys are enjoying game-day hot dogs. Kylee chose Ramen Noodles for her game-day meal. I put a pork tenderloin in the crock pot this morning, so I think I'll have a pork taco. I have also roasted some peanuts. We all enjoyed hearing the 4Tops sing the National Anthem. We are ready for victory!

Our Ranger flag is hanging out front.

Let's do this, Rangers!

I've been busy decorating for fall. Never mind the fact that the weather here says it is still summer. Decorating one area usually leads me into another area which leads me to another area which leads to another. You get the idea. Below is the result of fall decorating with the Harpers. 

A closer look at the wagon set. Found the wagon at a yard sale around the corner this summer. I love it.

This was what the entryway looked like for about a week and a half. I have since changed it to be the family launch pad. They were already using it for that. Now it reflects that.

Here is a closer look at the subway art. It is one of my new favorite things to create.

Here it is. Everyone has a place for their keys and a clipboard for sweet notes from the momma (or anyone else) in the home. The calendar was blank, but now has all of our activities listed. Hopefully this will help us remember appointments.
Here is the living room mantle. I love it. My chair sits directly across the room.

Here it is at night. I love to look at it.
This is mine and Mike's room. I had planned to put the letters above our bed inside a frame, but they ended up being too big for the frame I have. I like it the way it is. Might just leave it. I have another project in my head. I'll let ya know when it gets outside.

One last thing before I sign-off today. A friend gave me this mum. I am killing it. Any advice for this novice? The plant that I brought home from Dad's memorial service is doing really good. Maybe mums are just too high-maintenance for me. : )
What should I do?
This one is alive and well.
Have a great night. Tomorrow is cleaning day. I might just have some new pics of things that I decided to rearrange. My family is hoping I don't, I am sure.



Kylee said...

Too bad for the Rangers! Well we still got a chance at the World Series, let's hope we get there! :)

Harper said...

Thanks for sharing, Babe. And, yes, I hope you do not get into the re-arranging mode. Love you!