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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bring on the Flip-flops, Lazy Days, and Fun Nights!

Yeehaw--school's out and summer's in! Kylee has turned in her last assignment and already spent a whole day doing nothin'. And it is quite ironic that today she has a friend here and they are playing "school"--what in the world? Mike has one last assignment and about a day and half left to do it. I am ready to close out the year on our Homeschool Tracker and take a break before beginning to add new assignments for next school year. Summer is knocking and I am ready to swing open the door and welcome it.  

We had our last co-op class on Tuesday. It was a whirlwind of a day with all of that, a dance recital for a friend, and a kindergarten graduation that night. I cried through the whole day. My kids (and my friend) have banned me from future recitals and graduations. Completely RUDE, if you ask me. It was just so sweet. Not to mention, it was another reminder of how quickly time passes and how fast they grow. I just don't have much time left with these two wonderful creations of God that live under my roof today. Seems like just yesterday they should have been ones on the stage dancing and graduating from kindergarten. There are so many things that I would do differently. BUT, I can't dwell on that cause I am bawling as I type, and I don't want to get banned from blogging. Anyway, God knows best, and He knows that the things I would change are things He planned for our good. He has used those things to teach me that I need Him. I am only hopeless without Him.

I've been makin' a list and checkin' it twice. A Summer Bucket List, that is. Here is what it looks like in its beginning stages:
*outside shutters stained
*touch-up paint walls in house
*paint the hallway
*paint the doors in the house
*get the kids doing their own laundry weekly
*trip to lubbock
*trip to rusk
*cousin time at the harper's
*swimming lessons (if mike needs help)
*driver's ed done
*buy groceries
*stock-up on some things using coupons
*visit bahama bucks
*double date with bradley and sheree
*some pinterest (of course)
*relax with friends
*work on being a good wife

What about you? What's on your Summer Bucket List? I'd love to hear what you have planned.

Before you go, I thought I'd share our summer subway art with you. Feel free to print one for your own home, if you'd like to. I just love it.



Harper said...

All I can say is it's about time you finally blogged again!

Unknown said...

Love hearing what the Harpers are up to.
Been there, done that. Know the feeling of kid(s)growing up. Bittersweet but exciting at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Love it, and you!

kymharper said...

It has come to my attention that some of you reading this post think that my Summer Bucket List is way less than exciting. Well, help me spice it up. What should I add?